Comment Guidelines

Viewpoints is a forum about current issues in accessible transportation. Easter Seals Project ACTION encourages people of all viewpoints to share their experiences by commenting on the blog articles. The comments shared in this blog are expressly comments made by the individual and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Easter Seals Project ACTION.    

Share your views respectfully. Viewpoints is a moderated blog. All comments will be reviewed before they are posted. While we welcome comments from all perspectives, we expect members of this community to treat each other with respect and to keep comments on topic.  Viewpoints will not post any comments that are derogatory, inflammatory, offensive, derisive, personal attacks or slurs, or uses profanity. 

Be careful with your personal information. Once comments are posted, comments will be available to the general public. With this information in mind, please do not share your personal information – email address, telephone number, mailing address, social security number – when commenting on an article. Easter Seals Project ACTION will not be able to verify the personal information of others in accordance to our privacy policy.

Understand our privacy policy. When including links to external websites in your comments, understand that Easter Seals Project ACTION is not responsible for the content of any linked website, or any link contained in a linked website, or any changes or updates to such websites. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Easter Seals Project ACTION of that website. In addition, please be aware that Easter Seals Project ACTION is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites. Easter Seals Project ACTION encourages you to read the privacy statements of each and every website that requests personal information from you.

Know who to contact for questions. Contact the Viewpoints blog moderator, at for questions!

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